About Us
The Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS® is the Voice of Real Estate in Southern Oregon
Our Staff

Tina Grimes

Loran Hughes
Technology Officer

Sue Garvin
Administrative Assistant

Andrea Allen
Executive Assistant

Mason Miller

United Strategies & Consulting

Fabrun White
Data Services Director

Lisa A. Smyth
Education Director

Brooke Simon
Membership Director

Chris Myron
Communications Director
RVAR Board

Carrie Dahle

Catherine Hatfield

Devin Zupan
State Director

Mike Kerlinger
Past President

Mike Sallee
Advisory Director

Scott Lewis
President Elect

Molly Mullane

Dave Wright
State Director

Kat Soditus
SOMLS President

David Case

Andrea Adams

Stacey Boals
State Director

Brooke Richmond
Advisory Director

Danielle West

Mandy Avgeris

Patrick Iler
State Director

Cheyanne Boen
Advisory Director

Kat Soditus

Patrick Iler

Robyn Lasky

David Case
President Elect

Tiffany Johnson

Diane Adams
Past President

Ryan Johnson
Vice President

Keyna Meives

Carrie Dahle
RVAR President

Dave Heidegger

Barbara Brown
Our Mission
The purpose of the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS® is to:
- Unite those engaged in the recognized branches of the real estate profession.
- Promote and maintain high standards of conduct in the real estate profession as expressed in the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®.
- Provide a unified medium for real estate owners and those engaged in the real estate profession.
- Further the interests of home and other real property ownership.
- Unite those engaged in the real estate profession in this community with the Oregon REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.
- Designate, for the benefit of the public, individuals authorized to use the term REALTOR® as licensed, prescribed, and controlled by the National Association of REALTORS®.
Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS® Political Advocacy is focused on:
- Protecting private property rights.
- Promoting wise land use law and rule that balances the protection of private property rights with maintaining healthy communities.
- Highest and best use of the land and the wide distribution of land ownership.
- Creation of adequate housing, the building of functioning cities, the development of productive industries and farms, and the preservation of a healthful environment.
Our Identity
The Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS® (RVAR) is a trade association comprised of individuals who are engaged in various facets of the real estate business and are chartered by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). RVAR’s primary objective is to serve the interests of its membership.
RVAR strives to be the central source of real estate information and services within the community. We provide a central forum for the exchange of ideas and information and we attempt to build a strong, responsible, and unified voice in local, state, and national affairs. Through RVARs association with the Oregon REALTORS® and NAR, the viewpoints of our members and the owners of real property are represented in all levels of government.
The Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS®.
Our History
Chartered in 1926 as the Medford Realty Board, the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS® (RVAR) is the professional association for more than 1500 real estate practitioners and affiliated companies in Jackson and Josephine Counties. RVAR was originally incorporated in 1951 as the Medford Board of REALTORS®, and more recently in 1997 as the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS®, due to a merger with the Ashland Board of REALTORS®. RVAR is affiliated with the Oregon REALTORS® in Salem, Oregon, and the National Association of REALTORS®, the nation’s largest professional trade association, headquartered in Chicago.
What is known today as the Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service, Inc., was organized in 1925 as the Medford Multiple Listing Service and incorporated in 1956. Over the years, it has grown beyond Medford and now represents Jackson and Josephine Counties along with some properties in counties throughout Southern Oregon. In 2020, SOMLS was a founding partner in the launch of Oregon Data Share, covering 9 counties in Southern and Central Oregon.